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Toolbar Configuration Menu

The Toolbar is the user interface at the bottom of your screen that lets you perform many game functions quickly. Press a number to select a slot.

Available functions in the toolbar are:

  • selecting a block before LMB-clicking to place it,
  • selecting a tool or weapon before clicking to use it
  • triggering actions such as docking, toggling thrusters on or off, controlling cranes, opening/closing doors, and many more...
  • using a consumable such as a medkit,
  • playing a character animation (emote).

Toolbar Configuration Menu[]

When starting a new game, each engineer assigns their desired character tools, character weapons, consumables, building blocks, and favorite emotes to toolbars, so you can find them quickly.

You configure your Toolbar functions in the Toolbar Configuration Menu by pressing (G key). Some also call it G-menu, Toolbar Config, or Config Menu.

The Config Menu stores separate presets:

  • one preset for Grid Functions (one for each ship) and
  • one personal preset for Engineer Functions (one for each player in each game save).

You can modify your toolbar whenever you wish.

How to Use the Functionalities Assigned to Slots[]

There are 9 configurable toolbars with 9 configurable slots each, this enables you to configure 81 functions. Only one Toolbar (nine slots) is visible at the same time.

  • The shortcut to select one of the nine toolbars is, hold the control key and then press a number from 1 to 9 on the keyboard.
  • Then, to select a function inside the current toolbar, press the corresponding number key that is shown in the top left of the slot.

Selecting a slot from a toolbar either triggers and action or it determines what will happen when you press the left mouse buttons (LMB). Some tools have secondary functions assigned to the right mouse button (RMB).

The function also can differ depending on whether your engineer is seated in a grid or on foot, and whether you are in Survival or Creative mode.

Some examples for what we mean:

  • If you select the drill tool, clicking LMB will mines ores, and RMB will destroy voxels, both when seated in a mining ship and in person.
  • If you select a character weapon, LMB shoots, and RMB zooms in for aiming down sights. Ship weapons cannot zoom in using RMB.
  • In Creative Mode, if you select a block, LMB places a completed block, and RMB deletes the targeted block.
  • In Survival Mode, if you select a block, LMB places the block, and RMB does nothing.

And so on.

Empty Hand: The final "hand" slot (shortcut: press "0") is pre-configured to de-select any functions and return to an empty hand. An empty hand is the best "tool" to interact with buttons, doors, cockpit doors, etc. To pick up dropped items such as ores in the world, aim an empty hand at the item until it's highlighted, and press (F key).

Quick-toggle size: Press the same toolbar number a second time to toggle between small grid and large grid variants of placeable blocks, if applicable.

Quick-select block variants: Some building blocks let you select alternate variants quickly by using the Mouse Scrollwheel. They are marked with a Plus sign in the Config Menu.

Engineer Functions: Building and tool usage[]

While the Engineer is on foot and not seated in a grid, you use the Configuration Menu to configure the engineer's personal toolbar.

Pressing a number on the keyboard assigns the selected toolbar function to the Left Mouse Button (by default). For example, when the engineer selects a block and LMB-clicks in survival mode, an unconstructed block is placed in the world; while in Creative mode, a fully welded block is placed; when you select a tool or weapon, LMB-clicking uses that tool.

Available filters:

  • All blocks
  • Character Weapons, Character Tools, Emotes
  • Armor Blocks, Window Blocks, Symbols
  • Cockpit Blocks, Power Blocks, Production Blocks, Conveyor/Cargo Blocks
  • Large Blocks, Small Blocks
  • Consumables
  • Various optional DLC and decorative block categories

Grid Functions (block actions)[]

While being seated in a ship or rover, you use the Toolbar to operate functional blocks in the grid.

You can assign many of the actions found in the K menu of a functional block to Toolbar slots: Examples include extending pistons, adjusting overrides, locking landing gears and connectors when docking, etc., functionality which is very useful to have close at hand while flying. To trigger block actions, you press the slot number. Only very few grid functions are controlled by clicking additionally.

Tip: Sensors and Timer Blocks etc. use the same Toolbar menu when you set up their grid actions.

When configuring block actions, you can choose to control either a Block or a Block Group. You may want to create, for example, a Group for braking thrusters, a group for for interior versus exterior lights, one for batteries, one for sets of chained pistons, or another group for block tools like drills, as needed.

Right-click the Block or Group in the Configuration Menu, then select a block action from the drop-down menu to assign it to a toolbar slot. Pressing the corresponding number key will now perform the action for either one block or the whole group, straight from the cockpit. If the action is an adjustable option (for example, "increase velocity"), then the key press will step the function up and down by a small amount.

  • If the slot controls an adjustable value, the assigned slot displays the current (rounded) value.
  • If it's a toggle action, such as a landing gear or connector, the assigned slot displays the status, such as locked/unlocked/ready or on/off.
  • If it's a Block Weapon, the assigned slot displays the remaining ammo supply.

Available filters:

Tip: You can use the Toolbar for building even while seated in a cockpit, for details see Block Placement Mode.

Control Primary/Secondary Tool and Weapon Functions[]

If the grid has Block Tools (Drills, Grinders, or Welders) or Block Weapons attached, you can enable their primary and secondary functions through the toolbar.

  • If you add the Block Tool/Block Weapon through the All Blocks filter, choose an action from the menu (such as toggling the tool on or off) which will be assigned to the numbered slot.
    • Then press the number key to toggle the tool on or off.
  • If you add the Block through the Block Tools or Block Weapons filter, press the slot number to activate/deactivate that tool/weapon for mouse button control.
    • Then trigger the tool's primary or secondary function by RMB and LMB click.
    • Example: For a drill, the primary function (RMB) is mining and the secondary (LMB) is digging (destroying voxels).

Configuration Menu: How to Configure Your Toolbars[]

You can reconfigure your toolbars any time, as needed. Toolbars are saved per game, per player, and per grid.

The game remembers separate toolbar configs for the engineer and for grids.

  • Before configuring engineer functions, make sure your engineer is on foot.
  • Before assigning grid functions, make sure the engineer is seated in the respective ship, station, or rover.
  1. Press (G key) to open the Configuration Menu.
  2. Press ctrl and a number to select one of the nine toolbars to configure, for example, ctrl-2.
  3. Use the Text search or the provided filters on the left-hand side to find the desired block or Grid Group on the right side.
  4. Add the action to the toolbar in one of the following ways:
    • Double-click the icon
    • For Engineers, right-click the icon
      For grids, right-click the icon and additionally select an action from a menu
    • Or drag and drop the icon into a specific toolbar slot
  1. Repeat steps 2-4 and add your favorite functions to toolbars as desired.
  2. Press Escape to close the Configuration Menu.

Troubleshooting: Why Can't I Use This!?[]

There are several reasons why you cannot select an item for the toolbar:

Engineers in Survival Mode can only configure weapons/tools/consumables that they have in their inventories. For example, you can only assign and use a medkit slot if you have a medkit on your person. Unavailable items will be grayed out.

When progression is enabled, the list of available blocks is limited until you unlock them. Read about Progression to find out how.

You can drag any of the available block placement items in your toolbar, but in Survival mode, you can only place the block if the engineer has the necessary base components in the inventory.

Lastly, some blocks are only available if your have bought the respective DLC Packs.
