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Space Engineers Wiki
Icon Block Symbols

Symbols are buildable blocks shaped like letters, numbers, and punctuation marks. They can be used, for example, to write the designations of space stations, labels of landing bays and hangars, names of ships or factions, and so on. Large-grid symbols cost 4 steel plates each to construct, and small-grid they cost 1 steel plate each.


Letters, numbers, and punctuation as blocks

The following symbols can be built:

  • Letters of the Latin alphabet from A to Z
  • Numbers from 0 to 9
  • Punctuation:
    • - Hyphen
    • _ Underscore
    • . Dot
    • ' Apostrophe or Comma
    • & Ampercent
    • : Colon
    • ! Exclamation mark
    • ? Question mark

The blocks can be rotated, so an apostrophe could be used as a comma as well.

The Letters are modeled after the "Fraulein Standart" font.
