This page is for contributor information, showing recent changes, how to get started, and recent blog posts.
Since the official Space Engineers release in February 2019, the game content has become quite stable. In the recent years, Keen Software House has released one or two updates (including DLC) each year and it is now easier for the community to keep this wiki up-to-date. If you find a mistake, click edit and fix it, or leave a comment, or contact an administrator -- we can help with linking and formatting.
There are 1,049 articles on this Fandom Wiki. The Fandom Wiki was created on June 1st, 2012, and first adopted by User:Lilbigmouth on May 26th, 2017.
Recent ChangesTrack the most recent changes to the wiki on this page.
List of abbreviations:
7 September 2024
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<title>Blogs</title> <type>box</type> <order>date</order> <category>Blog posts</category>