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Medical Components are component items used in the construction of Medical Rooms, Survival Kits, and Cryo Chambers.

Despite the trend of diminishing costs for most components, version 157013 has made Medical components more expensive; doubling the amount of Icon Item Silver Ingot Silver Ingots required. Medical components are the bulkiest component by volumetric comparison. This makes them prized, cumbersome, and tedious to build with.



Medical Components are required to construct the following blocks:

Icon Item Bulletproof Glass Bulletproof Glass, Icon Item Computer Computer, Icon Item Construction Comp. Construction Component, Icon Item Detector Components Detector Components, Icon Item Display Display, Icon Item Explosives Explosives, Icon Item Girder Girder, Icon Item Gravity Comp. Gravity Comp., Icon Item Interior Plate Interior Plate, Icon Item Medical Components Medical Components, Icon Item Metal Grid Metal Grid, Icon Item Motor Motor, Icon Item Power Cell Power Cell, Icon Item Radio-comm Comp. Radio-comm Comp., Icon Item Reactor Comp. Reactor Comp., Icon Item Steel Plate Steel Plate, Icon Item Large Steel Tube Steel Tube, Large, Icon Item Small Steel Tube Steel Tube, Small, Icon Item Solar Cell Solar Cell, Icon Item Superconductor Superconductor, Icon Item Thruster Components Thruster Components