Space Engineers Wiki

Welcome to the Unofficial Space Engineers Wiki page![]


Feel free to update this wiki as changes are made to the game, though please ensure that mistakes are corrected and the information provided is relevant. The wiki pages should contain facts, whilst any opinions and modded features should be kept to blogs and discussions and marked clearly as the author's thoughts as to avoid misleading newer players. Contact an admin if you have questions!

Wiki Contents[]

This wiki contains the following pages

  • Lessons - Videos and Tutorials for players to get started.
  • Scenarios - Showcases, missions, and campaigns, made by Keen Software House and the Space Engineers Community.
  • Game Mechanics - Things you can do in the game.
  • Blocks - Building Blocks for use in Survival and Creative Mode.
  • Items - Items and tools available for the player.
  • Factions - Groups of allied Space Engineers or NPCs with shared ownership of equipment.
  • Planets - Heavenly bodies that can be mined and inhabited by the Engineer. Danger may follow...
  • Pre-Built Ships - A list of the NPC ships to be encountered in the game.
    • Drones - Autononmous flying robots, tasked with defense or transportation of crew or materials.
    • Cargo ships - Non-player ships that occasionally spawn and fly through space.
    • Space Pirates - A faction hostile to all Space Engineers.
    • Random encounters - Abandoned stations and wrecks that can be salvaged by anyone.
  • Key Bindings - Keyboard and mouse controls for interacting with the game.

About the Game[]

Space Engineers is a sandbox game about engineering, construction, and maintenance of space works. Players build spacecraft, fightercraft, haulers, explorers, mechs, rovers, drones, and space stations of various sizes and purpose (civil and military), they pilot ships, and perform asteroid mining.

Space Engineers uses a realistic volumetric-based physics engine: All objects can be assembled, disassembled, damaged, and destroyed. Space ships accelerate, cargo has mass, planets have gravity.

More information can be found at the official website:
